(This post is a prerequisite to understanding most of the posts on this blog) Truth is commonly defined as " that which corresponds with reality ", proposing that it describes and aligns with a state of manifestation . For example, " the tree exists is true because the properties that make up what we call a tree manifests as a coherent distinct entity ". If " the tree exists " is true then it is the case and its manifestation is part of a container we call reality , as we can define reality as the set of all manifestations, or all that is the case . However, it is not just truths that correspond with reality , as there are what we can call necessities that also correspond with reality . Necessities are not equivalent to truths , yet they are part of what make up all that is the case . A Necessity is defined here as " a coherent condition that manifests in reality , where the contrary is a contradiction (incoherent )", or " must b...